the importance of self-massage
Benefits of oiling the body:
Reverses aging of the skinBenefits sleep patternsNourishes the bodyStimulates the organsPacifies Pitta and Vata

Tongue Scraping
Benefits of tongue-cleaning:
Removes bacteria and reduces the toxins that cause bad breathAids digestionStimulates the organs

how to heal your nervous system
Ashwaghanda – This is an Ayurvedic herb and is also an adaptogen. Ashwaghanda becomes what you need it to be in the body. It also happens to be an herb that helps your nerves reach out and re-connect with one another. I recommend Banyan Botanical’s Adrenal Nourish; one cap in the morning and one cap at night.

food allergies
Utilize the Food Sensitivity Tracking Template found on enlightenmentpie.com/purifcationprogram to track your eating habits and emotional triggers for thirty days. This will support you in tracking what and when you are eating to better understand how food affects you physically and emotionally. Begin to notice patterns of behavior; i.e. I was stressed so I ate a cookie, or I feel bloated each time I eat cheese. Through food journaling you will begin to see how to change your diet to nurture your body vs. punish it.

activties to heal your lineage
Whether we like it or not; we are our family. We carry their bloodline and more, so we carry the many genetic traits the line has within it. Our level of intelligence, our ability to connect with others, our creativity, our eating habits, our emotions; these are all pieces of the ancestral ‘pie’.

connecting to your emotions
Meditate on your body of glass and to begin to understand the emotions that you carry in your physical body. Utilize the following self-inquiry questions throughout the week to begin to identify your emotional contributors to your weight.

mindfulness of the body activity
How many times have you found a bruise or cut on your body and you do not even remember how it got there? Has your body become stiff or sore and yet you are unsure of what might have caused it? Do you sometimes feel bloated or nauseous and thought perhaps you just weren't feeling well? Do you take aspirin for a headache without wondering why the headache was there in the first place?

create a pie chart for your life
Draw a circle on a piece of paper. This circle represents 100% of your time both awake and asleep. Contemplate what compartments exist in your life and how much time you are spending on each.

The art of self-study can help you understand the patterns in your life; why you need them and how to break the pattern. Once you are able to overcome the ‘destructive emotions’ that arise with self-inquiry; you will find release, acceptance and forgiveness.

Do you keep a diary or write in a journal? You may have two or three journals you have either bought, or been given, just lying around your house.

When you are completing self-inquiry exercises you will want to use contemplation to gather information. You ask yourself a question and then you think about it. Our first reaction to a question asked of oneself is usually reactionary and from the egoic mind.

sacred space
A sacred space is defined as a space distinguished from all other spaces. A space where all the actions, thoughts and intentions within this space can bear spiritual meaning. Sacred space is where you can meditate, journal, throw an oracle card or even just sit in contemplation.

Meditation is the act of coming in to the present moment through breath and focused intention. Meditation is where we connect to our Truth. Truth with a capital T is defined by one of the Yamas in the Yoga Sutra, Satya. Satya encourages us to live and speak our truth at all times. This idea of truth is about understanding the difference between making a judgment through one’s own perception and actual observation of reality or the facts of a situation through growing self-awareness.

A Culinary memoir
A pair of black and white checkered polyester pants are one of the many memories left over from my culinary days. The bottoms are worn and black, thick from grease, smudges from kitchens past.

Liberate Your Lineage: Healing Your Ancestral Karma in Partnership with Epigenetics
Ancestral karma is the idea that actions taken by our ancestors affect us today. A more extreme example would be your Great Great Uncle shot a man and now that karma has been passed down. More likely you might have multiple generations of men or women who struggled with abusive relationships and you, too, are repeating the same pattern.

the indigo child and toxic burden
Being part of the Indigo generation means that you are highly sensitive to your environment. Many of my students have asked me how to manage their sensitivity to harsh energy; whether it is a negative person in their life or a work environment that is challenging.

automatic writing
It is important to note that you may have more than one sacred space but it is important to keep consistent. When automatic writing or channeling you are training your body and mind to go into a trance like state. This takes a bit of hypnotic practice which is why keeping the same routine for it is very helpful.

Burning Sage ~ A Powerful Way to Kill Airborne Bacteria and Mold
If you are struggling with airborne allergies in your home; mold, bacteria, fungus etc; this is an excellent way to purify your air!

maui’s reflection

anger, fear, and loneliness
I think the explanation of HALT is excellent. Anger, Fear and Loneliness play an integral part of our human experience and can be excellent teachers. These destructive emotions show us when we are out of balance and trigger the self-inquiry necessary to define our functional boundaries.